
If you have a suggestion, question, want to request a higher resolution version of a photograph, or would like to contribute to this blog, please email me at:

7 responses to “Contact

  1. Hi Tavel

    I stumbled upon your blog while researching a trip to Ecuador, and I must admit that I felt a little kinship with you.

    My blog(s) is only slightly older than your own, and we have a similar amount of hits.

    I must admit that I am a little jealous, though, because you at least have a small community of people who comment. My lack of comments became so pathetic that I turned them off.

    Anyhoo, I have read all your posts and I really like your blog, and I look forward to learning more about Ecuador through your posts.

    I would be honored if you you would ever consider doing a guest post on my blog, and I would be equally honored if you would be willing to accept a submission from me.

    Thank you for sharing your story.

    deepest regards,

    Greg Stock

  2. Jonathan Drury

    Hi Im looking to post a guest blogpost/article on your site. Basically I will write
    you a 500 word informative article for your readers and in return I ask you
    to credit me with a backlink from within the article.

    You will benefit from free unique content being posted to your site attracting
    new visitors from the search engines and I will benefit from the backlink to my

    Thanks for listening and let me know if this interests you.

    + The article will be relevant to your site.

    Kind Regards,

  3. Diana

    Hola he leido tu blog, me parece interesante. Soy ecuatoriana y vivo en Quito desde hace mucho, tengo interés en conocer sobre otros países pero no puedo viajar. Estoy en capacidad de recibir en mi casa a turistas (for free) sin costo. Mi interés es que mi hijo y yo podamos aprender otras culturas y practicar otros idiomas. Contáctame si esto te interesa. Además vengo de una pequeña ciudad al norte de Ecuador en donde hay muchas hermosas cosas que conocer y nadie las ha visto, no hay turismo hacia allí.

  4. Jen Fong

    Hi! Where do you find your best travel deals? Looking to go away, unfortunately during peak season (new years), and I know it’s like finding a needle in a haystack, but just curious as to where you find your best travel deals.

    Thanks so much!


  5. roshan

    This is a valuable resource for anyone interested in this subject. To learn more, click here.

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