Huts on a Hill

This week’s Mystery Snapshot comes to us from the one and only George “Geordie” MacLeod —  my college buddy, squash player extraordinaire, and a true lover of languages and people. (How’s that for an intro, G?)

My hint is that this is a part of the world I have yet to explore. Other than that, you’re on your own!

So, what part of the world — continent, country, region — is this? Do you know anything about the huts featured in the photograph? Do you recognize them? Have you been there? What might it suggest about the culture that built them? Do they remind you of anything? How old are they? Can you teach us something about what you see? Where the heck are all these questions coming from?! GO!

Mystery Huts


Filed under Contributor, Mystery Snapshots

3 responses to “Huts on a Hill

  1. Lisa A

    It looks like an arid, very hot place. I would guess somewhere in Africa. Perhaps Senegal?!?!

  2. missy

    i, too, was going to guess an african place, so i still will. cameroon?

  3. Ursula

    I guess Dogon mud huts in Mali but I would be embarrassed to win AGAIN. 😉
    I am holding out for my Tavel branded free toaster!
    Or my Tavel hand-knit socks. Please????

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