Rooftop Activity

Happy Mystery Snapshot Day!

Keep the photographs and contributions comin’. I have thoroughly enjoyed the participation of every single contributor, so thank you. We’ve got a few photos and travel stories on deck, but I’m always looking for more.  I’m going to start introducing more discussions, news items, random travel tips and maybe even a couple reviews (as can you). Feel free to make suggestions and tell me what YOU’D like to see on T w/ T. Send any and all ideas to:

Today, I’m providing us with the Mystery Snapshot, just like the good ol’ days…

Can you tell me where this is? (Country/region/province), what this is (it kind of looks like…?!?), and/or why this is…? There’s a lot going on geologically, for starters. Any insight you can come up with — even if it’s a complete guess — is worth a comment.

Rooftop Activity


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5 responses to “Rooftop Activity

  1. Ben White

    Looks like Sulfur buildup…
    Are there hot springs in the area?
    Old volcanoes?

  2. Tom H

    Just guessing the first thing that popped in my head: the caves in Altamira, Spain with the wicked old paintings and such.

    I think I like the sulfur idea better, though.

  3. missy

    i’ve been there, so i am going to censor myself. for all of you who will be putting this on your to-go list, though, there is a fun little kiosk-ey market on the walkway to this site. maybe you’ll even stumble into a famous footballer or two. 😉

  4. Katie

    Hmmmm.. I was gonna say Instanbul. But then I read Missy’s comment, and lost all confidence in my answer!

  5. Geordie

    I’m stymied. Mexico?

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